The importance of good discipline

School Rules

We think that the rules are important

The British College of Benalmádena – The British School of Málaga provides its pupils with an environment in which they can feel safe, cared for and supported, in which they can adequately develop their individual skills, helping them face the present world in an autonomous and critical way, preparing them to participate positively in society and in the diverse professional fields they might one day have access to.

Building Responsible Citizens

To achieve these aims, we encourage our pupils to accept responsibilities and to be tolerant, to understand other people’s points of view, to help their peers and to maintain a high standard of work, the best they are capable of.

School Policies

In addition, they must keep a code of behaviour based essentially on respect towards their teachers and their peers, as well as on some basic rules that, however obvious, are important to remember:

  • Students must arrive at school on time.
  • During school hours, the pupils are the responsibility of the school and their teachers and therefore, they must always follow their indications.
  • A lack of respect towards peers or teachers will not be tolerated at any time.
  • No type of bullying, neither psychological, physical or cyber will be tolerated under any circumstances.
  • To help their fellow students whenever necessary, to protect the younger ones and be friendly towards everybody is a golden rule for our students.
  • School uniform must be worn by all students throughout the school.
  • Students should not bring any valuable items to school. If for any reason they have to do so, they must hand it into the office for safekeeping.
  • Mobiles phones are TOTALLY FORBIDDEN.
  • The school keeps an exhaustive record of the absences of the students and immediately contacts the parents if a child is absent. We therefore beg parents to notify the school of any absences that they might know of in advance, such as doctor’s and dentist’s appointments, etc.
  • Any work missed through absence will have to be made up, including internal examinations.
  • Obviously, smoking or drinking alcohol is TOTALLY FORBIDDEN in school.
  • Students must look after their own belongings and respect others’, as well as the school’s.
  • There are many parents who, for different reasons, such as allergies, do not want their children to eat any cakes or sweets. This is why, even if it is to celebrate their birthday, pupils cannot bring to school any cakes or sweets, to share with their classmates. They could only do it at the end of the day, at 4.00 pm, giving the cake or the sweet to the parents, so that it is them who will decide if they want to give it to their child or not.

Addressing Unacceptable Behavior

Most cases of unacceptable behaviour are spontaneous, thoughtless, unintended acts that the pupil immediately regrets. In these cases, the teachers will correct this sort of behaviour at once.

In the case of continuous unacceptable behaviour, parents will be requested to come to the school to consider the problem jointly with class teachers, form teachers, Head of Primary or Head of Secondary and, when necessary, with the Head Teacher.

Any student who jeopardises the integrity or safety of others will be expelled without hesitation.

Partnership for Success

We expect the parents to support us in implementing this code of conduct as we believe that, as in each and every aspect of education, discipline is a responsibility shared between parents and teachers.

Learn More and Contact Us Today

If you have got any question or would like more information, don’t hesitate in contacting us.

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    • The British College of Benalmádena

    Urb. Torremuelle C/Paseo del Genil s/n
    29630, Benalmádena, Málaga


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